Archive for the ‘sharing’ Category


January 24, 2008
When I got home yesterday, I found an Amazon box waiting for me. My first thought was “Oh, God! What books did I order?” You’d think I’d remember stuff like that, but there are times … sigh… Anyway, it hit me that it wasn’t an actual order from Amazon, but my Mardi Gras prize from Painted Maypole. Look at all the loot she sent me!

“Baubles, Bangles, Bright Shiny Beads!” (isn’t that the song from Kismet?) Lots of really cool necklaces and a really funky frog that fits in very well with my family’s Toad Hall theme (that PM didn’t even know about!) And a CD of Mardi Gras music that I plan to listen to in the car on the way home tonight:)

I got such a warm, happy feeling as I was unpacking my box. Someone out in the wide blogger world had sent me an unasked for present. Well, yes … I answered her question in the comments so maybe it’s semi-asked for but still – the thought is a good one. So I decided to pay this forward. There’s a lady that writes one of the blogs I drop in on periodically, who has been having a tough time lately. At one point she wrote about learning to quilt. I happen to have a copy of The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Quilting that is just gathering dust right now. I got it when I knew I wanted to make something but I wasn’t sure in what medium I wanted to work. I have now found that I dislike sewing but I love knitting so the Quilting book is probably never going to be used by me and someone should get some enjoyment/learning from it. I originally thought I’d just drop the book in the mail to her but then I realized that, while I know her blogging address, her physical address is a little more hidden. So I have sent her a message asking if she’s interested in the book, and if so, I’ll send it off to her. Hopefully, she won’t see me as a complete freak or cyber predator and take the offer in the manner it is offered. I’ll keep you updated.

As I was untangling and laying out the beads to take the picture, some co-workers came in and started oohing and aahhing. So, being the kind and generous person that we all know me to be, I am now off to share the wealth with those who aren’t lucky enough to have someone in Louisiana to send them some genuine Mardi Gras beads!