We went for a walk on the beach yesterday after a couple of days of storms. You can see where the ocean eroded some of the sand …

and some of the foundations of the houses! Can you see where the cement sticks out? It’s supposed to be under the sand not 6+ feet above it.

These stairs are not supposed to end in mid air and none were washed away. The ground that’s supposed to be under them, on the other hand is now far, far away!

The surf had really calmed down by yesterday afternoon. There were a few surfers in the water but they weren’t getting very much action.

There was enough oomph left to provide a little spray, though.

I love the different types of footprints in the sand – almost more dogs on the beach than people.

The debris from a fence that was supposed to protect the dunes.

What could have caused this wreckage? Not to worry, Dickon is on the job – sniffing out the wrongdoers!

I swear, the back end of this dog is just unreal!


  1. fragileearthplush Says:

    The back end is priceless! It’s kind of funny that 1/4 of my pictures from our trip down the beach are of the back end of a certain corgi.

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